Monday, June 9, 2008

Consideration and reconsideration

Last week I told Wes I wanted to cancel all our appointments with the RE. I had this overwhelming feeling of suffocation - I was stressed about having to take off work two times between days 5 and 10 of my cycle (with little, if any, ability to preplan) and overwhelmed by the amount of lab and office visits I need to coordinate. Not to mention more than a little put off by the actual procedures themselves.... It just seems like so much work to do when we are able to get pregnant so easily. I know- I know the reasoning behind all this testing. It's not getting pregnant that's the problem - it's staying pregnant. And if we get pregnant again without doing this work up, I'll be petrified the whole time and absolutely guilt laden if something goes wrong. Which is likely to happen, according to the RE. It all just seems so.... invasive. I know it's my mind set. All the appointments, testings, and procedures with egg donation weren't nearly this intimidating. But I wanted to donate, I choose to donate, and I knew about the medical aspect ahead of time. I didn't choose this. I feel like I'm being forced into this testing, whereas the egg donations were not coerced in anyway. Even worse, I feel like it is my body that is doing the forcing. I know that the loses could be a fluke, or that it could be something wrong with Wes. But I can't shake the feeling that this is my fault.

Anyway, after a heart to heart with Wes, I agreed that this is something I do need to do. Not only for our chances ttc, but for my peace of mind while pregnant. So my first ultrasound appointment is scheduled for 6/18. As soon as I can get my insurance issues worked out (a whole other post there - let me tell you) I'll go in for the blood work. And I will most likely have the hystero and hsg done the last week in June. At least I'll be getting most of it over all in one month.

So - the Diet. It's officially become the Diet. As in "that's not on the Diet" or "What should we do tonight on the Diet." I can't say that we've been keeping to the Diet as well as we should have (read - horrible, horrible cheating weekend) but we have made some positive changes. We've been paying attention to what we eat. Even if that means paying attention as we eat all the wrong things. We've also changed out shopping habits and, during the week, we've been sticking more or less to the South Beach meal plan. I think it will be easier to keep to the Diet when Dylan comes home this weekend. We've been having a bit of a second honeymoon while he's up in Maine and going out to eat ALOT. And of course, 99.9999% of restaurant food is not on the Diet.

So next week will be a big week. Not only will we be getting my little pumpkin back again, but we'll be starting the first of a loooooong series of testing to find out what the heck is up with my reproductive system. Here goes nothing.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lab Rat

Wes and I went for our consult with the RE last Friday and all I can say is - wow. First off, I really did like this doctor and the office. The office staff was kind and considerate. The doctor was professional and no-nonsense. However, I thought we were going to show up and be told that we were just unlucky, to give it a few months and try again. Boy was I wrong. Not only did the RE insinuate that I may have either depleted my egg reserve or caused adhesions with my various egg donations (guilt trip!!) but she also wanted me to get a full work up including a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and a hysteroscopy. She ordered a check of hormone levels on day 3 to be sure they are normal (which hopefully will indicate that I have NOT depleted my ovarian reserve) and then I have to schedule the HSG and hysteroscopy. She also stated that some of my symptoms are representative of endometriosis and that, most likely, I am eventually headed for surgery.


On one hand, this appointment made me feel incredibly guilty. It was really hard hearing that I may have compromised my own fertility with my egg donations. Despite what she said, I really, really don't believe the donations depleted or adversely affected my ovarian reserve. The results from my last two egg donations were actually better than the results from my first two egg donations as far as fertilization rate and successful pregnancies. However, I do understand that doing the donations may have caused my "tubes to be kinked" as she put it. However, that could have happened even without the egg donations. If it does turn out to be endometriosis, I'll feel much better (ironically.) Endometriosis would have nothing to do with my egg donations at all, so I would have no responsibility for choosing to compromise my fertility. Which is where the guilt is coming from.

On the other hand, some symptoms I've been experiencing for years and years - pain, gastrointestinal problems - could be eradicated with one surgery. I thought I would have to deal with these things the rest of my life. I never thought I could fix them! That alone would make this whole slew of appointments and testing worth it! And, of course, I will feel much better ttc knowing that my tubes are unkinked and open. Or whatever.

Wes and I were also ordered to change our eating habits. I know we could be healthier. We are soda fanatics and (Wes especially) consume copious amounts of Mountain Dew. So, together, we will embark on the South Beach diet. But first we are busy consuming all the high cal, high fat, high sugar products in our house so we won't be tempted later on.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Hardest Holiday of the Year

For dozens of women I know "virtually," the hardest holiday of the year is only two days away. This mother's day will be very bittersweet for me, as well. On one hand, I have Dylan to be thankful for. On the other, I would be about 6 months pregnant right now had I not miscarried in February. I would be 9 weeks pregnant had the ectopic been viable. I know those two due dates, September 4th and December 15th, will haunt me until I become (and remain) pregnant again. It's hard to not feel disappointed and saddened as Sunday rolls around. There is a definite part of me that feels cheated when I think back to my pregnancy with Dylan. I was in complete denial during that pregnancy. I was barely 22, working two jobs, and so unprepared for motherhood. I should have made more of a point to revel in that pregnancy - to enjoy it rather than constantly looking forward to my due date. I should have appreciated it. I was so excited this time around because I really wanted to be pregnant - I wanted the experience and enjoyment that I took for granted last time. Now the idea of enjoying pregnancy seems incredibly foreign. Oh, I'm sure that if Wes and I become pregnant again I will come to a point, probably in the second trimester, where I can feel enjoyment and excitement rather than fear. That just seems ages and ages away right now.

Thoughts of my egg donations have given me so much strength and comfort over the past week. I just sent out mother's day cards to the recipients with whom I have regular contact. For one of them, this will be her first mother's day. That idea brings a smile and a feeling of warm inside. It's amazing to me that their successes make me feel so good, so positive in light of my recent experiences. I wouldn't have expected that. I would have thought that I might feel sadness or pain - like I still do when I run into a pregnant woman at work or in the store. But there is not an ounce of pain or longing when I think about my recipients. Just comfort and satisfaction. Maybe it's because they worked so hard to have their children. Maybe it's because I look back on those cycles as successes, whereas my own losses feel like failures. Maybe it's because I have a better idea now of how they must have felt, and it gives me peace to know I was able to help alleviate those feelings for another woman. It's strange, because when I see baby photos belonging to friends or co-workers, I still feel sadness, especially if the baby is very young. However, looking at pictures of my recipients' children or hearing progress updates strengthens me. It makes me feel like I did something worthwhile - like I made the right choice 2 years ago.

I do believe I was lead to donate my eggs so that I could have some peace right now with my struggles. Because of my involvement with third party reproduction, it has never crossed my mind for one second that Wes and I won't have a child eventually. I haven't lost hope or despaired for even a moment. I have seen others face far greater obstacles than I and still succeed. So on Sunday I'll be thinking of my egg recipients. I'll be thanking them from the bottom of my heart for choosing me to participate in something indescribably special. And for giving me the strength and hope I so needed over the past few months.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Back to the Drawing Board

Ok, so I'm finally feeling up to writing again- I needed some time to process everything.

The ultrasound I had on Monday, April 14th showed nothing in my uterus. However, my betas continued to double, so we continued to hope. We scheduled another ultrasound for Monday, the 21st. However, that Saturday I woke up bleeding bright red blood. I went to the ER for a second ultrasound and, sure enough, the embryo was in my tube. I was given a shot of methotrexate and sent home. Fortunately, the methotrexate worked and no further treatment was needed. However, now we are back to square one again.

It's strange - this loss doesn't hurt nearly as much as the first one. Either I'm a bit numb, or I just didn't get too attached to this pregnancy. I certainly don't look at getting pregnant like I once did now. It doesn't seem fun to me anymore. And honestly, I'm too exhausted physically and emotionally to think about trying again right away. I know that there is no relation between the m/c and the ectopic - that it was just a fluke. However, my body is still reeling from the hormones and other changes. My emotions are raw from this roller coaster. We need to wait at least three months after taking the methotrexate to try again, and I'm definitely ok with that. We also have an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist the end of this month. Most likely, the doctor will tell us that we were just unlucky and we should just try again naturally, after we heal. That's what I'm hoping to hear, anyway. However, I'm also prepared for the idea that the ectopic might warrant some further testing to be sure that tube is ok. That would be ok, too - I'm petrified of another ectopic now. I probably won't post too much more between now and the doctor's appointment. Like I said, I need some time to get myself together. But I'll definitely keep this blog updated, especially once we start trying again. For myself, more than any other reason. Putting everything into words somehow makes it easier to deal with.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Countdown to Ultrasound

My beta came back on Thursday at 829 - right where it should be. My bleeding has stopped, and the only thing still bothering me is the persistent pain on my lower left side. It's uncomfortable, exhausting, and scary. I'm praying it's a cyst and not something else more ominous. Tomorrow at 11:30 I have an ultrasound and will get the result of my beta from Saturday. I should have some more answers then. I'm scared. I'm excited. I'm apprehensive. Mostly, I'm ready to have some of my questions answered.

February 9, 2008

I woke up that morning feeling that something was wrong. The day before, I had started spotting a bit. Nothing I was really worried about - I knew that it was not unusual to spot a bit during pregnancy. Even so, I called my doctor and was told not to worry. However, the next day, Saturday, the spotting was still there. And it was not getting any better. Today I was 11 weeks pregnant, but I didn't feel pregnant. I didn't feel much of anything. And I couldn't ignore the unease I had about the spotting. Finally, I called the doctor on call and he told me to come into the ER for a quick ultrasound. As uneasy as I was, I still expected to see the baby's heart beat. I thought that maybe there was a slight complication, but certainly it would be something that could be fixed. I never imagined that the pregnancy would be over. I could see the fetus clearly on the ultrasound. It was very small and very still. The doctor told me to check in downstairs, that he wanted the tech to do another ultrasound. He also told me not to be hopeful - things didn't look good. It still didn't hit me. I still hoped. At the second ultrasound, the tech showed me how the baby measured 8 weeks - not 11. There was no heartbeat, no movement. My baby had died three weeks ago and I never realized. THEN it hit me. The doctor talked to me about my options - letting the pregnancy pass naturally, D&C, taking a medication that would cause the loss to begin. My husband and I decided on the D&C. I didn't want to go through the physical loss, especially considering a D&C is usually needed anyway to clear out remaining tissue.

The doctor spoke about scheduling it in the next few days, but I begged him to do it immediately. I couldn't stand one more moment being "pregnant" and not pregnant. I knew I wouldn't sleep until I had the D&C, especially after seeing that small, still shape on monitor. Fortunately, they were able to do the procedure that night. I was lucky in that there was little pain and little bleeding after the procedure. Really, it was mostly my heart that bled. I spent the next few weeks, months asking why this happened, what I did to cause it. Of course, I know that there was probably nothing that I did to cause it. But still, it's hard not to feel responsible. I felt so betrayed by my body - how could I have lost this pregnancy and not known anything was wrong for three weeks?!? Was my body really that disconnected to the little life that was growing inside? I don't know how I'll ever be able to trust my body again. Even now, months later, I still have fear and trepidation. I refuse to really consider myself pregnant yet, and every little twitch or pain scares me.

My innocence is gone.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Better Day

I'm feeling hopeful tonight for the first time in days. I've started taking my progesterone supplements twice a day now and I'm resting every second I'm not at work or in class. So I feel like I'm being proactive. I've also appeased my fears about pregnancy bleeding a bit by visiting donor egg boards and getting support from the wonderful ladies on those boards (even though I'm not a donor egg recipient.) I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this will turn out ok. Maybe. I don't want to hope too much yet. The bleeding has tapered off a little bit and *yay* I actually felt sick to my stomach tonight! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be excited by morning sickness. However, the curious lack of symptoms two months ago and this most recent adventure have left me feeling decidedly unpregnant. Especially considering I was sick as a dog with Dylan. Now, if the darn pressure and dull ache in my abdomen would subside....

I'm having my hcg tested again tomorrow. As soon as my levels are above 1500, I'll have an ultrasound. Till then, all my fingers are crossed. Please little embryo, hang in there.

Got Eggs?

I was nineteen when the phrase "egg donation" first entered my vocabulary. At Smith, a progressive women's college, issues of women's rights were always a hot topic. The article vacillated between two theories: was egg donation a compassionate gift which allowed other women to conceive and bear children through IVF, or was it exploitation of young college students? This was not the first negative press I would see on egg donation, but I wasn't phased. What I remember most poignantly from that article was the remark of one egg donation recipient, now pregnant with her child. She claimed egg donation had changed her life and that it had given her hope when she had run out. "I could help someone like that," I thought. I wasn't swayed for one moment by the whispers of exploitation. As an informed, educated woman, I didn't see how the choice to help another woman could be considered exploitation. I did my research, I read about the time commitment, the medical procedures, the financial compensation. I never did end up donating that year, but the idea of egg donation was always in the back of my mind, especially after I had my own son. When Dylan was about a year and a half, I started to research the process again. After several months, I registered with a few agencies, but also decided I wanted to be more proactive then simply sitting at home and waiting for someone else to match me. I created my own extensive profile, got all my college transcripts and medical records together, and placed an ad on a popular egg donation and surrogacy classified site. If I was going to help another couple have a child, I wanted to get to know them. I wanted to talk to them directly.

I placed my ad in mid-November. On December 25th, after several potential matches fell through, I heard from Jennifer,* the woman who would later become my IM, (intended mother.) We clicked immediately. This was the first egg donation cycle for both of us, but we were both straight-forward, proactive, and organized. We knew almost immediately that we wanted to work together and she put me in touch with her clinic. I was able to do my initial screening at my local hospital and, after a pap test, 24 vials of blood, and a medical history examination, I was declared medically fit to be a donor. Jennifer and I initially were synchronized with oral birth control pills and, once we were at similar points in our menstrual cycles, I started my injected medication. The first medicine I took was Suprefact, a GnRH agonist, which would shut my system down, in effect putting me into early menopause. After taking this medication my hormones would be "baseline" and the Reproductive Endocrinologist (or RE) would be better able to monitor my reaction to the stimulant medication and egg production. The syringes were tiny – I injected the Suprefact with the same needle that diabetics use to administer their insulin. However, gathering my courage to do that first shot was not easy. Something just seemed incredibly foreign about sticking a sharp object into the flesh of my stomach. Finally, after about 20 minutes of stalling, my pulse racing and heart pounding, I took the plunge. I didn't feel a thing – not even a prick. I would later find out that was just dumb luck – some days I couldn't feel the Suprefact or Lupron shots at all, others I would hit a small nerve and it would feel like a bee sting. The stimulant medications were a slightly different story.

After being on the Suprefact for about a week or so, I went to a local monitoring clinic for my suppression check. I had a transvaginal ultrasound performed, which revealed the number of antral, or resting, follicles in my ovaries. Hopefully, those follicles would grow as I took the stimulant medication and yield mature, healthy eggs. I also had my hormone levels tested. Everything looked good – I had a decent number of resting follicles and my levels were nice and low. It was time to start stimulant medication. I stayed on Suprefact to keep my body from ovulating prematurely, but now I added two more injections to my daily regimen. In addition to the Suprefact I began taking an FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) medication, Puregon, and a FSH/LH (Follicle Stimulating Horomone/Luteinizing Hormone) medication, Repronex. The FSH was administered with a pen, and was incredibly easy to take. However, the Repronex required me to mix a liquid with a powder, use one needle to draw up the mixture, and a second needle to inject. Unlike the Suprefact, I could feel these medications as I injected them into my stomach. They burned like fire, especially the Repronex. The side effects began a few days after I started the Suprefact. I began to get headaches on a daily basis. I was grumpy, irritable, and far more emotional then usual. However, the worst part was the fatigue; even pulling all-nighters at Smith didn't compare to the complete and utter exhaustion I felt while on the medication. I began to look forward to the day I would fly out to my recipient couple's location – I had arranged childcare for my son and for about a week all I would have to do would be to go to daily monitoring appointments at my recipients' clinic and rest. After I had been taking the stimulant medication for four or five days, I began to feel very sick to my stomach. At first I thought I had caught the 24 hour flu, but the nausea was more similar to the morning sickness I experienced my first trimester of pregnancy. Around day 5 of the stimulant medications I was checked at a local clinic, and prepared to fly to my recipients' location the next day. That night, I got a call from the clinic – apparently, I responded very well to the medication, and my numbers were already quite high. The next day I flew out to my recipients' location and met Jennifer and her husband. They were both amazing, and I knew without a doubt that I was doing the right thing. I had felt connected to Jennifer previously from our phone conversations, but meeting her in person blew all my expectations away. I saw in her many of the qualities to which I aspired. I felt flattered and humbled that this incredible, giving woman had actually picked me to help her complete her family. At that moment, the intensity and importance of what I was doing hit me fully. It was one of the most emotional days of my life.

After I arrived at their clinic, I was given another ultrasound and my hormone levels were checked– the clinic dropped my medication dosage almost immediately, and in the next few days would continue to drop it until I was coasting without any medication. At this point I was exhausted, bloated, nauseous, and feeling pretty miserable. After only a few more days, I was ready for my hCG trigger. That evening, at a time dictated by the clinic, I gave myself my final injection of the cycle. This last medication would mature the DNA in the eggs and, 35 hours later, they would be ready for retrieval. The retrieval is an outpatient procedure, performed in a manner that outwardly resembles a GYN exam. The doctor uses a needle, guided by ultrasound, to enter the ovaries through the patient's vaginal wall, puncture each individual follicle, and aspirate the fluid within the follicle. The fluid is then analyzed by the embryologist and, hopefully, contains a mature egg.

To say I was nervous when I went to the clinic for my retrieval would be an understatement. I had already been informed that I would be awake for this retrieval and would be given morphine to relieve the pain and a sedative to relax me. Thank goodness for the sedative. The morphine dulled the pain, but the rhythmic needle puncture of the follicles caused me to cramp in a way that reminded me of labor. However, it was fascinating to watch the needle enter the follicles on the ultrasound screen. In the end, 24 mature eggs were retrieved and I wept with joy for my recipient couple. I tried to explain to the nurses that I was crying because of the hormones and because I was happy – I so wanted my couple to become pregnant. With 24 mature eggs they would have a good chance of that happening. I'm not sure if the nursing staff really got it – because they gave me some more sedative.

Several days after retrieval I heard from Jennifer: out of 24 eggs, 18 fertilized, resulting in 16 "excellent" embryos 5 days after retrieval. I was so excited for Jennifer on the day of her embryo transfer, and reassured her that very soon she would be looking at baby clothes. A few days later, roughly a week after my retrieval, I still looked several months pregnant. My ovaries had not gone down in size, and I was incredibly tired and sore. Sunday morning, exactly one week after retrieval, I woke up with a very full bladder. I leaned over to turn of the baby monitor next to me and felt excruciating pain sear my side. I sat up and tried to catch my breath, but the pain wouldn't stop. I emptied my bladder, thinking maybe that was the problem, but still no relief. I spent the day in the emergency room, on a morphine drip. After taking my blood and doing a series of x-rays and ultrasounds, the ER doctor determined I had mild to moderate ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome, the most common complication of IVF or egg donation. The sudden pain I felt probably happened when my full bladder compressed a follicle and caused it to burst. I had some fluid in my abdomen, but none in my lungs. Fortunately, I was able to go home that day and, with a week of bed rest, my OHSS had resolved itself and my body started to go back to normal. In the worst cases of OHSS, an extended hospital stay is required and fluid must be drained from the abdomen and lungs. Severe OHSS is rare, but can be very dangerous if untreated.

Towards the end of my donation I was contacted out of the blue by another couple. I frequented several egg donation support boards during my cycle and through one of my posts, Carolyn* found my personal website that contained pictures of me and my family. Her email to me was sweet and moving. She knew I was in a cycle with another couple, but my childhood photo resembled the child she and her husband already had themselves. They couldn't have anymore children without the aid of egg donation. After my cycle, would I consider donating for them? I tentatively agreed, and she and I begun to correspond. The emails were sporadic at first, and conversational. Carolyn was interested in my progress through my first cycle, and she loved hearing about the excitement and fears an egg donation cycle can bring. A few days after my first retrieval, I agreed to cycle for her and her husband once my body was back to normal. I have to admit, my OHSS scared me. For a second, I even considered not doing another cycle. However, I felt connected to this couple, whose own child bore a natural resemblance to me. I also felt that now I was experienced, and I would know what to look out for. I knew this second clinic wouldn't use anywhere near as aggressive a medication protocol since I had responded so quickly previously. In fact, for the remainder of my cycles, the medication dosages were roughly half of the dosages given my first cycle. So, despite my OHSS set back, Carolyn and I began to work on the next contract and to make the required appointments at her clinic.

The period between the embryo transfer and the beta, or blood pregnancy test of the recipient, is commonly referred to as the dreaded 2ww: two week wait. It takes about two weeks for the embryos to implant in the uterus and begin to produce enough hCG to be detected with a blood test and confirm a positive pregnancy. About a week after my OHSS scare, I got the call from Jennifer. The test was negative. She wasn't pregnant. I was stunned and devastated. Never for a minute did I actually imagine it wouldn't work. I was completely unprepared for the fact that she would call me with negative results. All that time, that money, the side effects, and it didn't work. Jennifer had already been subject to more then her share of disappointments, and was outwardly calm – and even optimistic. She talked about doing a frozen embryo transfer immediately with the remaining embryos. All I could think was "is this my fault? Could there have been something wrong with my eggs?" I couldn't help feeling like I let her down. Not just because she had failed to get pregnant, but because I had been so POSITIVE she would get pregnant, and had reassured her when she expressed doubts to me. After I hung up the phone and got myself together, I though "Oh, God. What if it is me? What if it somehow is my eggs and I've already committed to this other couple? What if I let them down, too?"

When I told Carolyn about the news, she assured me that she and her husband still wanted to proceed with me as their donor. There is only about a 60% percent chance with any egg donation cycle that it will actually work, and they were willing to take their chances. I felt grateful for their confidence in me, and I was committed and dedicated to the cycle, but I couldn't bring myself to be anywhere near as excited as I was for my first one. I was so afraid of being let down again and letting them down. This couple was within driving distance from my home, so to save them remote monitoring costs I drove 3 hours to the monitoring appointments at their home clinic. I did this every other day, for about two weeks, but this time I was on a much lower medication protocol and the physical experience was like night and day compared to my first cycle. I still had the fatigue, headaches, and irritability, but I had no nausea and very little bloating. I was also able to "sleep through" this retrieval with a twilight sleep anesthesia. I kept myself somewhat distanced emotionally from the outcome of this cycle, so when I heard that they retrieved only 12 eggs, I was very disappointed, but not devastated. Carolyn faithfully kept me posted on the results of the eggs and the embryos, and when she told me they had decided to transfer one single embryo, I had to feign my excitement. In my heart, I prepared for disappointment, thinking it was unlikely anyone would become pregnant with just one embryo. Usually, the recipients transfer two, or even three, embryos with the hope that one will implant. Transferring one embryo reduces the risk of multiples, but often also lowers the chance the couple will become pregnant.

You can imagine the surprise and pure joy I felt when I received an email with POSITIVE in the subject line from Carolyn. They did a home pregnancy test a few days before their beta, and it came up positive. They were pregnant! I literally jumped up and down and hugged my laptop. This was it. This made it all worth it. The injections, the side effects, the disappointment and fear – I would do them over hundred times for this feeling. She was pregnant!!!! My faith was restored in the process and in myself. My eggs weren't a failure after all. I followed her pregnancy with joy and with hope. This child was true miracle. Not just for Carolyn and her husband - but for me too. I was able to be a part of something that was bigger then me. I was able to make a difference in the lives of two wonderful people. I was privileged to the pain of infertility, and able to witness the joy of someone triumphing over the disease. The experience was liberating, life affirming, and humbling all at once.

I went on to donate four more times, all very individual, unique and wonderful experiences. Egg donation has changed me in too many ways to count. Now, years later, I'm confronting my own demons. Not in getting pregnant, but staying pregnant. Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm so glad I experienced egg donation while I was able. Especially now, I'm comforted by the idea I was able help another woman face her demons. I continue to feel privileged that I was able to play a part in the journeys of my IP's.

* Names have been changed

The End or the Beginning?

As of today, I am 5 weeks pregnant. Maybe. Possibly? Actually, I really am not sure. I know I'm pregnant. According to my hcg level last week and google, I should be about 5 weeks. But I can't be sure since this latest positive pregnancy test came in the wake of a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks. Also, I know that my hcg levels are rising, despite my abysmally low progesterone levels. And I also know that for the past 6 days, I've been spotting on a consistent, daily basis. Waiting for the end to come. Recently, it feels like I'm the only woman in the world who has been shell shocked by a pregnancy loss, and the only woman in the world who is petrified of the implications of the two pink lines on FRED. I know this is, of course, not true. But these feelings of isolation are what caused me to start blogging in the first place. Because, as I talk (or type) my thoughts become more clear. Things become a little less scary and I'm not so alone. So I relive my journey to try to make sense of my emotions. But this journey didn't start last week, or even two months ago. My fertility journey started in 2005, when I decided to donate my eggs for the first time.