Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lab Rat

Wes and I went for our consult with the RE last Friday and all I can say is - wow. First off, I really did like this doctor and the office. The office staff was kind and considerate. The doctor was professional and no-nonsense. However, I thought we were going to show up and be told that we were just unlucky, to give it a few months and try again. Boy was I wrong. Not only did the RE insinuate that I may have either depleted my egg reserve or caused adhesions with my various egg donations (guilt trip!!) but she also wanted me to get a full work up including a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) and a hysteroscopy. She ordered a check of hormone levels on day 3 to be sure they are normal (which hopefully will indicate that I have NOT depleted my ovarian reserve) and then I have to schedule the HSG and hysteroscopy. She also stated that some of my symptoms are representative of endometriosis and that, most likely, I am eventually headed for surgery.


On one hand, this appointment made me feel incredibly guilty. It was really hard hearing that I may have compromised my own fertility with my egg donations. Despite what she said, I really, really don't believe the donations depleted or adversely affected my ovarian reserve. The results from my last two egg donations were actually better than the results from my first two egg donations as far as fertilization rate and successful pregnancies. However, I do understand that doing the donations may have caused my "tubes to be kinked" as she put it. However, that could have happened even without the egg donations. If it does turn out to be endometriosis, I'll feel much better (ironically.) Endometriosis would have nothing to do with my egg donations at all, so I would have no responsibility for choosing to compromise my fertility. Which is where the guilt is coming from.

On the other hand, some symptoms I've been experiencing for years and years - pain, gastrointestinal problems - could be eradicated with one surgery. I thought I would have to deal with these things the rest of my life. I never thought I could fix them! That alone would make this whole slew of appointments and testing worth it! And, of course, I will feel much better ttc knowing that my tubes are unkinked and open. Or whatever.

Wes and I were also ordered to change our eating habits. I know we could be healthier. We are soda fanatics and (Wes especially) consume copious amounts of Mountain Dew. So, together, we will embark on the South Beach diet. But first we are busy consuming all the high cal, high fat, high sugar products in our house so we won't be tempted later on.

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