Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Better Day

I'm feeling hopeful tonight for the first time in days. I've started taking my progesterone supplements twice a day now and I'm resting every second I'm not at work or in class. So I feel like I'm being proactive. I've also appeased my fears about pregnancy bleeding a bit by visiting donor egg boards and getting support from the wonderful ladies on those boards (even though I'm not a donor egg recipient.) I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, this will turn out ok. Maybe. I don't want to hope too much yet. The bleeding has tapered off a little bit and *yay* I actually felt sick to my stomach tonight! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be excited by morning sickness. However, the curious lack of symptoms two months ago and this most recent adventure have left me feeling decidedly unpregnant. Especially considering I was sick as a dog with Dylan. Now, if the darn pressure and dull ache in my abdomen would subside....

I'm having my hcg tested again tomorrow. As soon as my levels are above 1500, I'll have an ultrasound. Till then, all my fingers are crossed. Please little embryo, hang in there.

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